Tinypng Tinyjpg Photoshop Plugin For Mac

Photoshop Plugin Compressing images just got a whole lot easier. Save your compressed JPEG and PNG images directly from Photoshop. Install the plugin and you will be ready to go. A new menu option will appear in Photoshop from where you can resize, preview, select a folder and save your images. Preview and save directly. The plugin analyzes your image and sets the quality intelligently. Worry-free color management. Images are converted to sRGB for maximum compatibility. Whether you use color profiles or not – it just works. Will it work with my version of Photoshop? The plugin is designed to work with many versions of Adobe Photoshop.

This license agreement (the “Agreement”) for the use of the TinyPNG andTinyJPG Photoshop plugin (the “Software”) is between Tinify B.V.(“Tinify”) and you, or any juridical entity that you represent (“you”).If you enter into this Agreement on behalf of another juridical entity, yourepresent and warrant that you have authority to bind such entity to thisAgreement.

The Software, together with all materials included in or distributed throughit, is licensed, not sold, to you by Tinify. Tinify reserves all rightsnot expressly granted to you within this Agreement.

By downloading, installing, copying or otherwise using all or any portion ofthe Software you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you donot agree to this Agreement, do not use the Software.

Use and restrictions

Tinify grants you a non-exclusive license to use the Software on either (a)one computer used by many people, or (b) several computers used by the sameperson. A multi-user license can be used either (a) on the selected number ofcomputers by any number of users or (b) by the selected number of users on anynumber of computers.

You agree not to transfer, resell, assign, rent, lease, sublicense or lend theSoftware to any other person or entity except as expressly provided herein. Anyattempt to use the Software in another way shall render the license void.

License validity

A license to use the Software granted to you under this Agreement is limitedto the current major release of the Software only. Tinify at its solediscretion will decide when a version of the Software will be considered a newmajor release.

Intellectual property

Tinify respects the intellectual property rights of others. Tinify asksyou to respect the intellectual property rights of Tinify. All rights,title and interest in and to such property will remain solely with Tinify.You may not redistribute any part of the Software and you agree not to change,modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile or attempt to reveal theinner workings of the Software.

Third party licenses

Tinypng Tiny Jpg Photoshop Plugin For Mac Windows 10

The Software makes use of third party software, which is subject to other termsand conditions. The specific license conditions and official copyright noticesof these third party software can be found on the “About” window of theSoftware. You hereby agree to these third party terms and conditions.


If the Software is the subject of a claim of infringement or allegedinfringement of intellectual property rights, Tinify will have the right toprocure for you the right to continue to use the Software, replace theSoftware in such a way as to make the modified version non-infringing, orterminate this Agreement.

Personal information

Tinify may render this Agreement void if it finds that theinformation you submitted when buying the Software is incorrect or outdated.Tinify may use the information you provide to validate your license rightsor to contact you with information about the Software.

Disclaimer of warranties

The Software is provided “as is”. Tinify and its suppliers and licensorshereby disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including,without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for aparticular purpose and non-infringement. Neither Tinify nor its suppliersand licensors, make any warranty that the Software will be error free andcannot warrant the performance or results you may obtain using the Software.

Tinify does not warrant that the Software operates on the computer youintend the Software to be used on and you are solely responsible for obtaininga computer compatible with the Software.

Limitation of liability

In no event will Tinify, or its suppliers or licensors, be liable withrespect to any subject matter of this agreement under any contract,negligence, strict liability or other legal or equitable theory for: (i) anyspecial, incidental or consequential damages; (ii) the cost of procurement forsubstitute products or services; (iii) for interruption of use or loss orcorruption of data; or (iv) for any amounts that exceed the original purchaseprice. Tinify shall have no liability for any failure ordelay due to matters beyond their reasonable control or from inability to usethe Software. The foregoing shall not apply to the extent prohibited byapplicable law.

Tinypng Tinyjpg Photoshop Plugin For MacTinypng


Tinypng tiny jpg photoshop plugin for mac download

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Tinify, its contractors, and itslicensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents fromand against any and all claims and expenses, including attorneys’ fees,arising out of your use of the Software, including but not limited to yourviolation of this Agreement.


Tinify reserves the right to change the terms of this Agreement in anyfuture major or minor release of the Software. Use of future releases of theSoftware constitutes acceptance of the changes in the Agreement.



Tinify may terminate this Agreement if you fail to comply with the termsand conditions. In such event you must cease to use the Software and removeall data of the Software that you hold in possession.

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Applicable law and jurisdiction

Except to the extent applicable law, if any, provides otherwise thisAgreement, any access to or use of the Software will be governed by the laws ofthe state of the Netherlands, excluding its conflict of law provisions, andthe proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to any of thesame will be the courts located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. If any part ofthis Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construedto reflect the parties’ original intent, and the remaining portions willremain in full force and effect.

Entire agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Tinify and youconcerning the subject matter hereof.