Best Self Journal Pdf

I often include different journal prompts on Weightless because I think it’s key to continually maintain a dialogue with ourselves. It’s part of building a healthy relationship, or rather a friendship, with yourself.

As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.”

Your free PDF sampler of the Self Journal contains everything you need to set your goals, optimize your day, and become your best self. The Self Journal Getting Started Guide - The 6 Proven Principles behind the journal. Best Self Journal Review After 13 Weeks! - Duration: 15:36. Productivity Academy 15,759 views. Best Methods to Build Rapport - Anthony Robbins - Duration: 23:44. Jan 08, 2019 'Best Self' is a must read for anyone looking for make any type of lasting change in his/her life. I found it to be extremely helpful. It felt like Coach Mike was taking me on a personal journey of self discovery; his personal and professional anecdotes were inspiring and helped me feel connected. The Self Journal Is my favorite journal for goal tracking and achievement. I believe it’s even better for goals and habits than an unstructured bullet journa.

Here are 30 prompts, questions and ideas to explore in your journal to get to know yourself better.

  1. My favorite way to spend the day is…
  2. If I could talk to my teenage self, the one thing I would say is…
  3. The two moments I’ll never forget in my life are… Describe them in great detail, and what makes them so unforgettable.
  4. Make a list of 30 things that make you smile.
  5. “Write about a moment experienced through your body. Making love, making breakfast, going to a party, having a fight, an experience you’ve had or you imagine for your character. Leave out thought and emotion, and let all information be conveyed through the body and senses.” (A prompt from Barbara Abercrombie’s creative book Kicking In The Wall: A Year of Writing Exercises, Prompts and Quotes To Help You Break Through Your Blocks And Reach Your Writing Goals.)
  6. The words I’d like to live by are…
  7. I couldn’t imagine living without…
  8. When I’m in pain — physical or emotional — the kindest thing I can do for myself is…
  9. Make a list of the people in your life who genuinely support you, and who you can genuinely trust. (Then make time to hang out with them.)
  10. What does unconditional love look like for you?
  11. What would you do if you loved yourself unconditionally? How can you act on these things whether you do or don’t?
  12. I really wish others knew this about me…
  13. Name what is enough for you.
  14. If my body could talk, it would say…
  15. Name a compassionate way you’ve supported a friend recently. Then write down how you can do the same for yourself.
  16. What do you love about life?
  17. What always brings tears to your eyes? (As Paulo Coelho has said, “Tears are words that need to be written.”)
  18. “Write about a time when work felt real to you, necessary and satisfying. Paid or unpaid, professional or domestic, physical or mental.” (Also a prompt from Abercrombie’s Kicking in the Wall.)
  19. Write about your first love — whether a person, place or thing.
  20. Using 10 words, describe yourself.
  21. What’s surprised you the most about your life or life in general?
  22. What can you learn from your biggest mistakes?
  23. I feel most energized when…
  24. “Write a list of questions to which you urgently need answers.” (This is probably my favorite prompt from Abercrombie’s book.)
  25. Make a list of everything that inspires you — from books to websites to quotes to people to paintings to stores to the stars.
  26. What’s one topic you need to learn more about to help you live a more fulfilling life? (Then learn about it.)
  27. I feel happiest in my skin when…
  28. Make a list of everything you’d like to say no to.
  29. Make a list of everything you’d like to say yes to.
  30. Write the words you need to hear.

Journaling helps us figure out who we are, what we need and what we want. It can help us make better decisions, and focus on the very things that support us in taking compassionate care of ourselves and others.

What are your favorite journaling prompts? What are your favorite ways to check in with yourself, to get to know yourself better, to get inspired?

30 Journaling Prompts for Self-Reflection and Self-Discovery

One of the biggest benefits of journaling is that, in general, it can help you avoid depression and anxiety. But we all have our #fml days where the stress just seems to get to us.

You can make your life better if you create a self-care safety net for those times.

Here are some journal prompts for self care you can include in your safety net. Click the image below to download as a PDF.

1. What things make you happy?

2. What does your dream life look like?

3. What do you life to look like three years from now?

4. What’s a funny story that makes you laugh every time?

5. What brings you genuine joy?

6. Who is your best friend?

7. What makes you happiest in life?

8. If you could make a living doing anything, what would it be?

9. Who is someone you’d like to treat better?

10. What’s your favorite physical feature?

11. What do you want your legacy to be?

12. Who is your favorite person to talk to every day?

13. What have you done lately just for you?

14. What are you proud of yourself for?

15. What are some things that inspire you?

16. One thing I need to work on is __________

17. What do you need to let go of?

18. What do you need to forgive yourself for?

19. What is your favorite memory?

20. What are you most grateful for right now?

21. Who’s your biggest idol?

22. What thought patterns are holding you back right now?

23. What do you need to stop doing to live a richer and happier life?

24. What is your proudest moment?

25. What would your ideal day look like?

26. How have you been getting in the way of achieving your goals?

27. If you could escape to a vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?

28. What do you need most to heal right now?

29. What make you a good friend?

Best Self Journal Pdf

30. What did you do today to bring yourself closer to your dream?

31. I’m most proud that I __________

32. What makes you feel powerful?

33. What advice would you give your teenage self?

34. What is your best accomplishment?

35. What are you afraid of?

36. What does success mean to you?

Best Self Journal Pdf

37. What beliefs are holding you back from living your dream life?

38. What items are in your self-care toolkit?

39. What could you do to make your life more delightful every day?

40. A book that has impacted me is __________

41. What’s inspiring you right now?

42. What do you need to forgive yourself for?

43. What qualities do you think others admire about you?

44. What would you do if you weren’t so afraid of failing?

45. How do you add value to those nearest to you?

46. What do I need more of in my life?

47. What are you grateful for this week?

48. Who inspires you most in life?

49. What does your ideal day look like from morning to night?

50. How can I show myself more love?

51. What have you done lately that you want to brag about?

52. What message would I like to share with the world?

53. What do you need more of in your life?

Best Self Journal Pdf Free

54. How can I love myself today?

55. When you wake up in the morning, how do you want to feel?

56. What is your favorite personality trait?

57. What are your priorities for this year?

58. What is one adjustment you’d like to make to your morning routine?

59. When do you feel most confident?

60. What is one adjustment you’d like to make to your nighttime routine?

61. Today I can honor my body by _________

62. What do you wish you had more time for?

63. What wild and crazy thing would you like to try?

64. What’s your ultimate goal in life?

65. What have you learned today?

66. What’s your favorite meal?

67. If I could accomplish one thing in the next three months, what would it be?

68. How do you add value to the world?

69. What’s the best dream you can remember?

70. What is the message that you want to share with the world?

71. What is your top goal right now?

72. The thing I’m most thankful in life for is ________

73. What is causing you stress right now?

74. What is your best physical feature?


75. What is the most relaxing sound to you?