Operation Flashpoint Resistance Full Game

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Operation Flashpoint: Resistance Demo

Dec 20, 2018 Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis is a old 2001 shooting game. The game released for windows and xbox. Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising (4.4 GB) is an action video game. Developed and published by Codemasters Studios/Codemasters. It was released on October 8, 2009 for Windows. Operation Flashpoint: Resistance Browse the biggest collection of files, mods, maps, and utilities for Operation Flashpoint: Resistance, with fast, free download servers.

Operation Flashpoint: Resistance - The Critically Acclaimed Expansion for the Multi Award Winning Operation Flashpoint.


(c) 2002 Bohemia Interactive Studio and Codemasters Software Company Ltd. All rights reserved.

Welcome to the Operation Flashpoint: Resistance demo.

In this demo there are two exclusive missions available. In one you'll play as the commander of an infantry squad and in the other as a member of the squad.

Your mission is to neutralise the enemy forces in a small area of the new island.

In the full game you can look forward to a brand new campaign, featuring over 20 missions.

Visit official web pages of Operation Flashpoint at http://www.flashpoint1985.com and http://www.codemasters.com/flashpoint !


Unzip the file to a directory and click on the 'Setup.exe'. The setup procedure will install the Operation Flashpoint: Resistance demo to your PC. To play the demo once installed click:

Start -> Programs -> Codemasters -> OFP Resistance demo -> OFP Resistance demo

New graphics


This demo features an entirely new island, Nogova, with new buildings and flora and high resolution textures and models.

There are two new Video options to enhance your experience: visibility and terrain detail settings.

Please note that by setting the values beyond the performance range of your PC you may get very low frame rates in the game.

New Weapons


The demo features a selection of new weapons from Operation Flashpoint: Resistance including the UZI sub-machinegun and Tokarev T33 handgun.


New Resistance campaign


The new campaign included in Operation Flashpoint: Resistance forms a prequel to the original game's plot and is set several years before Operation Flashpoint's Cold War hit crisis point.

Operation Flashpoint: Resistance casts the player as Victor Troska, ex-Special Forces soldier, living a peaceful civilian life on the island of Nogova, a short distance from the original game's three islands.

However, his situation changes when a Soviet force invades the island group and destroys Troska's idyllic dreams.

Teammates: As you go through the full campaign, you will quickly become the leader of your group. As your teammates survive battles, they become more and more experienced. So try not to let them die and they will learn to fight better.

Weapons: You often be very short of specialist weapons in OFP: Resistance. You'll have to collect good weapons and try not to lose them.

Vehicles: The same for your vehicles, if you are not able to steal enemy tanks in a mission where that is the goal, your attack on a heavily guarded enemy position will be much more difficult later on.

New single and multiplayer player missions


As well as the full 20 mission campaign, there are 5 new single player missions and 9 new multiplayer missions with updated and enhanced multiplayer code.




[W] Forward

[E] or [SHIFT]+[W] Sprint

[A] Strafe Left


[D] Strafe Right

[S] Backwards

[F] Walking Mode

[SHIFT]+ Direction Key Move Fast

[Z] Lie Down / Stand Up

[Q] Crouch / Stand Up

[Y] Hand Gun

[R] Reload Weapon

[RETURN] Open Action Menu (see Action Menu)

[0]-[9] Call Command Menu and select menu items (see Squad Command)

[Backspace] Call Command Menu and go back a level in the command structure

[Nuumpad.] Switch Command View On/Off

[V] or [Numpad 0] Switch Weapon View On/Off

[+]/[-] Zoom In / Out (1st, 3rd Person View only)

[M] Map


Mouse Left / Right Turn Left / Right

Mouse Up / Down Look Up / Down

Left Mouse Button Fire Gun / Throw Weapon / Use Item in hand

Mouse Wheel Call Action Menu and highlight menu items

Flashpoint games

Middle Mouse Button /

Click Mouse Wheel Select Action Menu Item

Right Mouse Button Zoom In

Commander of the squad

[F2]-[F12] Select soldiers

[~] Select soldiers in main group / select all / deselect

[0]-[9] Give commands

[Numpad .] Command camera

Land / Sea Vehicle Movement


[Q] Slow Forward

[W] Forward

[E] Fast Forward

[A] Turn Left

[D] Turn Right

[S] Decelerate / Brake

[SHIFT]+ Direction Key Move Fast


Switch Between Mouse Look and Mouse Steer with numpad [*] key

Mouse Look Mouse Move

Mouse Left / Right Look Left / Right Steer Left / Right

Mouse Up / Down Look Up / Down


Right Mouse Button Select Target / Lock On (see Targeting and Firing Vehicle Weapons)

Left Mouse Button

(Target Selected) Fire Weapon

Left Mouse Button

(NO Target Selected) Move to point (providing you have assumed the role of

Commander and you have a driver on your crew)

NB. You may only have access to your vehicle's Targeting and Firing Systems

if you are so authorized (e.g. sole occupant of vehicle, gunner or Tank Commander

Operation Flashpoint Resistance Full Game

(see Tank Command and Targeting and Firing Vehicle Weapons).

Air Vehicle Movement


[W] or [Cursor Down] Forward

[E] or [RShift and Up] Fast Forward

[A] or [Cursor Left] Strafe Left

[D] or [Cursor Right] Strafe Right

[X]/[C] or [Del]/[End] RotateLeft / Right

[S] or [Cursor Up] Decelerate

[Q] or [Page Up] Ascend

[Z] or [Page Down] Descend


Switch Between Mouse Look and Mouse Steer with numpad [*] key

Mouse Look Mouse Move

Mouse Left / Right Look Left / Right Steer Left / Right

Mouse Up / Down Look Up / Down Nose Up / Down

Right Mouse Button Select Target / Lock On (see Targeting and Firing Vehicle Weapons)

Left Mouse Button (Target Selected) Fire Weapon

NB. You may only have access to your aircraft's Targeting and Firing Systems if you are so

authorized (e.g. pilot of aircraft or gunner - see Targeting and Firing Vehicle Weapons).

Universal Controls

[SPACEBAR] Select weapon

Middle Mouse Button Call Action Menu / Confirm Action

Mouse Wheel Select Action Menu item

[/] numpad Show Compass

[*] numpad Toggle Mouse Look / Mouse Steer

Page Up / Page Down Increase / Decrease game speed

Action Menu

[RETURN] / Middle Mouse Button - open Action Menu

[Square Brackets] / Mouse Wheel - highlight Action

[RETURN] / Middle Mouse Button - activate Action and close Menu

[close sidebar]

The context-sensitive Action Menu is used for such tasks as selecting and drawing your

weapon/s or for selecting special weapons or ammo. It is also used to enter, change seats

or disembark vehicles.

Encountering a specific point in a mission will sometimes cause new options to become

available in the Action Menu. When this occurs, the Action Menu will automatically appear

to allow you to activate the new options.

The Action Menu also allows you to access functions not available via the standard control

keys. Press [RETURN] or Middle Mouse Button to call up the Action Menu and use [ & ] or

the Mouse Wheel to underline the action you want to perform. Once selected, press [RETURN]

or Middle Mouse Button again to activate the action.


Targeting & Firing Personal Firearms

Personal firearms can be targeted in several ways depending on the view you are using at

the time. For some missions where fast paced no-time-to-think action is required, the

point-and-shoot method used in 1st and 3rd Person views may be the best option. Alternatively,

Operation Flashpoint Resistance Download Full Game

where stealth, cunning and intelligence are required, the more considered approach of

Weapons View may be more appropriate, especially if you are equipped with a specialist sniper


In 1st/3rd Person View

In 1st / 3rd Person view, the crosshair in the center of the screen shows the approximate

aiming of your weapon. The floating dot shows the actual point that your bullet would land at,

not taking into account cross-wind or range. A perfect shot can be achieved when the dot is in

the center of the crosshair. Note how, when you are running, the floating dot moves about much

more quickly and is more difficult to locate in the crosshair. To aim more accurately in this view,

slow down or stop. Better still, lie down as this braces your arms against the ground and gives

you greater stability and less reaction from recoil.

In Weapon View

For even greater accuracy, switch to Weapon View by pressing [V] or [0 Ins] on the numpad. This view shows

your gun sights and allows you to draw a much more accurate bead on your enemy. If you have a weapon

that is equipped with specialist sights, you will be able to aim even more accurately still.

To re-map control keys for the various actions available, simply click in the field that you want to

amend and delete its contents. Enter the new key and click OK.

If at any time you want to return the control keys to their original settings, simply click the Default button.


Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

DirectX 8.1

Pentium or Athlon 500 CPU

128Mb RAM

16 Bit DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card

Compatible 3d Graphics Card with 16Mb RAM

250Mb Free Hard Drive Space After Installation


Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

DirectX 8.1

Pentium or Athlon 700 CPU

256Mb RAM

16 Bit DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card

Compatible 3d Graphics Card with 32Mb RAM

500Mb Free Hard Drive Space After Installation


3dfx - Voodoo3, Voodoo4, Voodoo5

ATI - Rage 128 pro, Radeon

Matrox - G400, G450, G500, G550

Nvidia - Riva TNT, Riva TNT2, GeForce, GeForce2, GeForce3, GeForce4

S3 - Savage 2000


PowerVR - Series 3 (Kyro II)

RADEON USERS: if you are encountering any graphical problems please go to the video options menu in the game and turn off the W-BUFFER option. This fixes a number of issues.

© 2002 Bohemia Interactive Studio and The Codemasters Software Company Limited ('Codemasters'). All rights reserved. 'Codemasters'® is a registered trademark of Codemasters. 'GENIUS AT PLAY'(TM) and 'Operation Flashpoint'(TM) are trademarks of Codemasters. Developed by Bohemia Interactive Studio.

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  1. Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis

Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis

Windows - 2001

Operation Flashpoint Free Download

5 / 5 - 1 vote

Description of Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Windows

Read Full Review

Is there any genre in PC gaming less innovative than the first-person shooter? Relying as they do on a very simple formula -- looking through the eyes of your game-world alter ego, run around and shoot things -- and with control systems evolved to near-perfection, every new FPS needs a new gimmick to be noticed. Operation Flashpoint has several - its uncompromising realism, its range of driveable vehicles, and its eighties cold war theme to name but three.

The action is set on a chain of islands that, although not specifically placed at any geographical location, bear a marked resemblance to rural France. Normally occupied by friendly US troops, the pastoral tranquillity of the region is spoiled when an army of renegade Russians attempts an invasion.

In the campaign game, you are cast as a grunt in a squad of Marines. Though you start the game having to follow orders closely and do as you're told, as you gain in experience you gain in responsibility, and eventually you'll have your own squad to command. Missions cover tasks like training, patrols, guard duty and vehicle driving, at various times of the day. We won't give away the plot twists, but there are plenty of them.

As the plot advances, the game keeps in close touch with the political (and technological) realities of the 1980s - no microwave guns to be found here, and at one point a squad mate asks, 'Are they going to nuke us, sir?' Thankfully, the answer is no; there wouldn't be much of a game otherwise, but the nuclear undertones make an effective and convincing backdrop for the action.

Equally convincing is the weaponry modelling. Bohemia, the game's developers, have all served in the Czech army, and brought their real-life experiences of eighties warfare to the game. As in Counter-Strike, firing while running is inaccurate to the extent where you might as well save your ammo and resort to bad language. Reloading takes time, and careful aim is the key to success. Most conflicts take place in expansive outdoor areas, so there's always plenty of space for the enemy to utilise. Leading a moving target with a sniper rifle is crucial - sniping is much more of a skill here than in other games.

The vehicles, too, have an air of authenticity about them. The game includes a decent range, from jeeps and trucks to various tanks, anti-aircraft vehicles and even helicopters. They can be crewed by more than one man; often you'll be transporting your squad in the back of a truck, or riding a jeep with three others. You can even command your own tank, and issue orders to a gunner and driver.

Airborne vehicles, though, are a bit of a different kettle of fish. Though the engine is well suited to infantry and ground vehicle assaults, it doesn't have the draw distance to make zipping about in an A10 particularly satisfying, and the control system for both this and the helicopters are a bit odd. But there are only a couple of missions that require this, and it makes an entertaining diversion if you're in the right mood.

Flashpoint's troops move and act extremely convincingly. They will scatter and flee under fire, advance intelligently to avoid exposing themselves to incoming fire, and seek cover to lie low when appropriate. Commands can be issued to friendly squad members with a hierarchical menu system. Sadly, the enemy soldiers aren't quite as smart as they could be, and can be slow to react to you appearing out of cover close to them, making life a little bit easier than perhaps it should be. They can, however, be ludicrously accurate with grenades.

Once you're accustomed to Flashpoint's muted colours and flat vegetation, the effectiveness and realism of the graphics is fine, if slightly bland at times. The movement and animation of the soldiers is generally good, though it could benefit from work in some areas - when boarding a truck, for instance, they just climb upwards and disappear. When an A10 crashes into the sea, embarrassingly, it will bounce out again, crumpled and smoking. Overall though, Flashpoint is visually excellent, and the scale of the terrain is very impressive.

Sonically, things aren't so good. The speech in the campaign is mostly sampled, with reasonable voice acting, but when giving orders with the menu system (and receiving orders from others) the voices are badly synthesised. They often seem to be jarring and much louder than the (generally excellent) ambient sound effects, and can tend to ruin the atmosphere.

Flashpoint also features a set of ten instant-action type single missions, and an extensive set of team-based and individual multiplayer modes. Multiplayer in particular is great fun, mostly thanks to the way Flashpoint encourages players to cooperate to drive vehicles and achieve objectives. The game also ships with a fully-featured and straightforward mission editor, so expect to see plenty of fan-created content hitting the web after release.

At times, patrol missions can be drawn-out and dull (much like the real thing, we suspect), so thankfully a time-acceleration feature is included. It's not a perfect solution, however, as careless use can lead to you being sniped before spotting the enemy. But most will forgive the occasional lengthy, empty missions in the name of realism.

Some won't forgive, however, the way one bullet can kill, and put you back to the start of your mission, often with no warning. This situation can be avoided with experience and tactical awareness, and itself is another example of Flashpoint's high realism level, but it will not suit all tastes. Be warned, also, one save per mission is your lot, so if you're one of the types who ignores all limited-save games out of sheer bloody-mindedness, this probably isn't the game for you. In truth, this system is never obtrusive or difficult, and makes the game tension-filled and immersive.

It's a shame, too, that European gamers will have to wait a few months for the full multiplayer experience. Unlike most other first-person shooters, the game can't be run in a dedicated server mode, so fixed, regular servers will probably be thin on the ground for the time being. The US release will allow dedicated servers, though, and the UK version will be patched to include this at the same time. Maybe Europeans should look on it as a chance to get some early practice.

If you're the type who annoys easily, or is looking for a more traditional FPS fix, walk away - you probably won't get on with Operation Flashpoint. If, though, the prospect of mastering these potential drawbacks interests you, you'll get a tremendous amount of pleasure from the game. Only the lack of polish and poor sound hold Flashpoint back from the Highly Recommended award; its level of realism, convincing detail and great multiplayer make it one of the best military FPS games on the market.

Review By GamesDomain

Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis has an addon available: Operation Flashpoint: Resistance, don't miss it!

External links

Captures and Snapshots

Screenshots from MobyGames.com

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Buy Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis

Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. GoG.com provides the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide .

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